This week’s (9/9 – 9/13) construction activities:
Site fence installation completed.
Delivery of 7 of 8 JE Dunn office trailers, last trailer scheduled for 11:00 AM 9/13/19.
Erosion/Sedimentation control fencing and other sediment control measures completed.
Removal of some site electrical poles and site furniture began.
Multiple Hornet nests removed from trees on site.
Marking of temporary emergency egress route out of West end of HSRB – I down old fire lane to Haygood. -- This exit is now for emergency egress only.
Next week’s (9/16 - 9/20) scheduled construction activities will include:
Grading Contractor will begin leveling of the site, assuming City of Atlanta issues LDP permit as expected..
Tree removal will begin.
JE Dunn Office Trailer installation will continue with installation of electrical, plumbing, phone, and data hook ups. .
Uncovering of abandoned chilled water pipes (from Turman West) along Andrews Cir. -- Abatement activities will begin during week of 9/23 once the pipes are carefully excavated.
Begin early stages of work for utility relocation near loading dock.
Complete removal of patio furniture from outside of HSRB – I Café.