This past week’s (10/21 – 10/26) scheduled construction activities will include:
Completed control pond and swale
Completed mobilization into trailer by JE Dunn and their trade partners.
Digging of test pits near HSRB- I to verify edge of previously excavated rock from HSRB – I project.
Tree removal completed.
Additional interior documentation of interior existing conditions.
Leveling of west end of job site.
Meeting with EPD, CHOA, JeDunn and Planning Design and Construction to discuss potential upcoming traffic control matters.
Removal of outdoor light fixtures from site to storage.
Next week's ( 10/28 – 11/1/19scheduled construction activities:
Line drilling near HSRB – I will begin on Friday 11/1/19. -- This is a series of 4” holes drilled into a straight line resulting in a physical gap that will make the transfer of vibration towards HSRB I more unlikely.
Removal of an old abandoned 4KVA electrical manhole near Haygood.
Begin excavation for stormwater detention piping ( Line “A” ) along/parallel to Haygood Road.
Test rock removal activity on 10/30/19 @ 4:30 PM.