This past week's (2/17/20 to 2/22/20) scheduled work activities:
Rock blasting was performed on Monday and Friday but cancelled on Wednesday due to weather.
Site retaining wall pours continue but were slowed by weather.
Deep excavations @ G-2 level continues.
Saw cutting of loading dock area in preparation of loading new fire line installation begins on Tuesday.
Next week's (2/24/20 to 2/29/20) scheduled work activities:
Rock removal scheduled for Monday, Wednesday, & Friday weather permitting.
Additional deep excavation and dirt removal will continue at G-2 level.
Site retaining wall forming and pouring of concrete footings will continue.
Long term look-ahead activities:
Potholing in Haygood drive for new sanitary line installation is on hold because we are waiting on City of Atlanta permit to work in Haygood.
Erection of project tower crane has slipped 1 week to weekend of 3/21/20 - 3/22/20.